Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Financial & Family Planning: Kids Shortchanged

With parents unable to learn how to live w/in their means, they're all convinced they both have to work to raise a family. The truth is that's exactly what's necessary to properly neglect your children. But you can afford PSPs, iPods, laptops, cars, etc. -- which serve as technositters in your stead. Plus, if they become unruly you can just medicate them w/ Prozac, Zoloft, Ritalin, pot (via your absence), etc.

And we all know this is such a great retirement plan because they'll love you so much when they're older & wiser, they'll jump at the chance to spend lots of money taking care of you in your fading years. Of course, the gov't really helps the matter by draining so much money out of everyone's pockets. & what do they offer in return? A FUBAR educational system that makes American-born children unable to compete for jobs w/ illegals.

Oh, & while we're on the subject of family, why is it that "Planned Parenthood" has never helped a single couple plan the raising of their yet-unborn kids? They should be called "Planned DINK-hood." (Dual-Income, No Kids)

Androgynization of America

It has become all to clear to me that the feminazis have one goal: to thoroughly asexualize America. Though most women wear makeup, their personalities have been masculinized; though most men wear pants, it's become "wise" to "get in touch w/ your feminine side." Women are expected to be superwomen: hold down a fulltime job, raise the kids, cook the food, do the laundry, clean the house, etc.; all while the man can come home after work to crash in the La-Z-Boy w/ a beer & a remote -- or stay late at work for a fling w/ the secretary. (After all, men are pigs, right? so what's the use trying to change them?) ...
With all this in mind, can we really be so sure ultrafeminists (the radical activists) have women's interests in mind? Keep in mind many of these activists are lesbians and/or career women who don't plan on ever having children: I doubt they really care about the plans/desires of married/single women w/ children.