Our Noble Efforts to Reeducate Youth Across the Grain of God's Design
I hesitate to criticize America's educational establishment because I know many therein truly care about children & work hard to teach them & prepare them for fruitful careers. However, I cannot endorse the politically biased expenditure of taxpayers' money for programs of dubious efficacy:
This is especially true in areas where educators are desperate to train girls & women to enter careers which do not fit their natural aspirations which are given them by God (namely, nurturing children). It's a sad irony that this comes from an industry whose ostentatious aim is to help children, but programs like Title IX clearly strive to undo the natural motherhood drive built (I believe) into all women to various degrees. I learned this in clear terms when I spoke w/ a counselor at Phoenix College who told me that the most popular field for women is teaching & that for men is engineering. Yet our government insists on vain efforts to train the former instinct out of women in order to replace it w/ the latter. One stated example is given in the middle of the first paragraph of the following document:
These efforts have been going on for years, yet when many women in lucrative careers taste the joys of motherhood they decide to transition to less lucrative careers (as mothers). Home education has proven itself a viable alternative to public education & in many instances far better at preparing children for successful stints in college & careers thereafter. Why don't we just let women do that for which God designed them? Namely, childrearing, including educating their own children -- whom they love -- much better than bureaucrats who only see those children as statistics in the pursuit of their own monetary success:
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