Friday, March 30, 2012

Our Noble Efforts to Reeducate Youth Across the Grain of God's Design

I hesitate to criticize America's educational establishment because I know many therein truly care about children & work hard to teach them & prepare them for fruitful careers. However, I cannot endorse the politically biased expenditure of taxpayers' money for programs of dubious efficacy:

This is especially true in areas where educators are desperate to train girls & women to enter careers which do not fit their natural aspirations which are given them by God (namely, nurturing children). It's a sad irony that this comes from an industry whose ostentatious aim is to help children, but programs like Title IX clearly strive to undo the natural motherhood drive built (I believe) into all women to various degrees. I learned this in clear terms when I spoke w/ a counselor at Phoenix College who told me that the most popular field for women is teaching & that for men is engineering. Yet our government insists on vain efforts to train the former instinct out of women in order to replace it w/ the latter. One stated example is given in the middle of the first paragraph of the following document:

These efforts have been going on for years, yet when many women in lucrative careers taste the joys of motherhood they decide to transition to less lucrative careers (as mothers). Home education has proven itself a viable alternative to public education & in many instances far better at preparing children for successful stints in college & careers thereafter. Why don't we just let women do that for which God designed them? Namely, childrearing, including educating their own children -- whom they love -- much better than bureaucrats who only see those children as statistics in the pursuit of their own monetary success:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Obama's Abortion Statement

"On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we are reminded that this decision not only protects women’s health and reproductive freedom, but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose.

"While this is a sensitive and often divisive issue, no matter what our views, we are united in our determination to prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce the need for abortion, and support women and families in the choices they make. To accomplish these goals, we must work to find common ground to expand access to affordable contraception, accurate health information, and preventative services.

"On this anniversary, we must also recommit ourselves more broadly to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights and opportunities as our sons: the chance to attain a world-class education; to have fulfilling careers in any industry; to be treated fairly and paid equally for their work; and to have no limits on their dreams. That is what I want for women everywhere."

Andrew Tallman had some good points about this statement, notably that Obama doesn't mind gov't intruding on any other medical matter. I would add that if Obama truly was determined to prevent unintended pregnancies, he would support abstinence-only education (or at least education that tells the significant failure rates of condoms and illustrates how shipping condoms at high temperatures -- by truck through the sun belt, for example -- makes them less effective). If he truly supported pregnant women he would support Crisis Pregnancy Centers. I would hardly call killing unborn babies a "private family matter" when it's the nullification of family (just as the proper term would be "Planned Unparenthood"). I am also appalled that Obama doesn't consider motherhood an opportunity for women, but rather an inconvenience and threat to their freedom and equality with men. I would go further and say it's not merely an opportunity, but is a blessing from God which only has problems in today's world thanks to the fall, caused by man's sin and not by God's plan.

FRC Blog » President Obama’s abortion statement – In His Own Words: A Radical Pro-Abortion President

Mohler makes a good point about the Supreme Court first linking the abortion "right" w/ the woman and Obama now linking it w/ the family. This represents a significant propaganda shift as Obama sees the increasing unpopularity of abortion and tries to win back support from moderates & conservatives who care more about the family than about women's rights.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gay Marriage

orig. posted on FB Sunday, November 12, 2006 at 10:22pm
I'm not opposed to legalizing gay marriage ... but that's only because the damage it will do to the institution of marriage will be microscopic compared to the wreckage left by heterosexuals. I just don't understand what gays are so jealous of, considering what state American marriage (on the whole) is in. 52% divorce rate. Average first marriage: 12 years long. Avg. 2nd: 7 y. Avg. 3rd: 5y. (These are somewhat old statistics, but I bet they're not completely obsolete.) Materialism in America dictates a 2-income family structure & no real provision for raising children properly. Do we love our toys more than our kids?
~ I don't think I'm finished w/ this topic ... ~

Monday, June 07, 2010

Men & Women in/on Sports

Don't we have enough "Fairwaves" for sports in the sense of Title IX, WNBA, LPGA, etc.? So then if we're getting close to parity in the availability of sports played by males & females (assuming none of the "questioning" or other nebulous "genders" are involved), why is there an inordinately greater amount of money spent on sports played by males? In my dept. at work, the biggest Suns fan was a woman -- so even women prefer to watch men play.

I think Haines would have succeeded if he let Burnett just hang herself by saying the game was "handled so beautifully that it was a more memorable moment for its failure." Even though he was right, he shouldn't have said it. And unfortunately -- given our litigious culture -- I would bet money he's out of work in a few weeks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Munger's Muddled Morality

Munger's concern about the financial sector is admirable, but if he's so concerned about morality, why doesn't he have a talk w/ his partner about his support for the murders of unborn children?

As for population control, I think Buffett & Gates, in advocating it in the 3rd World, are racists. The world's resources could support these populations if people like Bono didn't insist on fundraising for dictators who concentrate the wealth of these regions in their palaces, withholding it from their people.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Formerly I was fond of the term feminaziism (coined by Rush Limbaugh). However, as I've thought about it, I've decided it belittles the value of the term naziism. I've noticed too often liberals compare Bush, Rumsfeldt, &c., to Nazis, yet I've been doing the same. I certainly still detest the mindset of radical feminists, but I no longer want to go overboard by comparing them to such a hideous group of people as the German national socialists. (Don't forget, nazi is short for Nationale-Sozialistische. So a conservative -- i.e., a freemarketer -- by definition cannot be a nazi. Free markets & socialism are mutually exclusive.)

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Financial & Family Planning: Kids Shortchanged

With parents unable to learn how to live w/in their means, they're all convinced they both have to work to raise a family. The truth is that's exactly what's necessary to properly neglect your children. But you can afford PSPs, iPods, laptops, cars, etc. -- which serve as technositters in your stead. Plus, if they become unruly you can just medicate them w/ Prozac, Zoloft, Ritalin, pot (via your absence), etc.

And we all know this is such a great retirement plan because they'll love you so much when they're older & wiser, they'll jump at the chance to spend lots of money taking care of you in your fading years. Of course, the gov't really helps the matter by draining so much money out of everyone's pockets. & what do they offer in return? A FUBAR educational system that makes American-born children unable to compete for jobs w/ illegals.

Oh, & while we're on the subject of family, why is it that "Planned Parenthood" has never helped a single couple plan the raising of their yet-unborn kids? They should be called "Planned DINK-hood." (Dual-Income, No Kids)

Androgynization of America

It has become all to clear to me that the feminazis have one goal: to thoroughly asexualize America. Though most women wear makeup, their personalities have been masculinized; though most men wear pants, it's become "wise" to "get in touch w/ your feminine side." Women are expected to be superwomen: hold down a fulltime job, raise the kids, cook the food, do the laundry, clean the house, etc.; all while the man can come home after work to crash in the La-Z-Boy w/ a beer & a remote -- or stay late at work for a fling w/ the secretary. (After all, men are pigs, right? so what's the use trying to change them?) ...
With all this in mind, can we really be so sure ultrafeminists (the radical activists) have women's interests in mind? Keep in mind many of these activists are lesbians and/or career women who don't plan on ever having children: I doubt they really care about the plans/desires of married/single women w/ children.